Bible Study

• Click here to view Top 10 Reasons
for Joining a Bible Study Group at St. Andrew
• Click here to view Bible Study Group Code of Honour
Contact for more information
Johanne Trudeau
We are a group of women who are on a journey to know and experience the Lord in a profound way.
We study the word of God, the teaching of the Church, the stories or writings of the saints, or pivotal players. We pray, we laugh, we cry (only sometimes), and we share the many ways we have experienced God in our lives. As sisters in Christ, we pray for each other’s intentions, and we engage in social time occasionally. Friday morning is a sacred place, it is a respectful place, where we can speak in confidence, in security that what we say among us stays among us. For this we follow a Code of Honour that is attached.
We meet for two hours every Friday morning on Zoom and once a month in person at St Andrew’s Church, to discuss the lessons we have studied during the week.
Starting in January 2025, we will have a second group who will meet in the evening. The group will meet mostly in person at St Andrew’s Church and occasionally on Zoom. More information later.